Bizz Database - prelaunch
With a business model to offer talent from a larger talent pool or a community, there was a need for a CV database service with smart search functionalities on different user levels.
Bizz Database is a module that enables you to invite customers who looking for new employees to search for talents or consultants by themselves.

The talents or community members register their profiles in Bizz Database. Step by step recruiting process available. Specific user log-in, view-only account available, where your customers can search for skills and candidates whenever they have a need for it.
Bizz Profile - Manage team becomes much smoother
The team view is improved. In order to simplify consultant handling, overview, and update we have simplified the view where you update, add and change your teams.
Bizz Profile - Managing company-level settings becomes easier.
In order for users with administrator rights to faster and easier find where and how to update their company settings, we have improved the UX-design for settings and content change.